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Committed to excellent standards of teaching in partnership with a variety of local and national organisations contributing towards system-wide improvement.

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Cedars Upper

Joining the Sixth Form


Application Form for Cedars students

Application Form for External Students

Blocking Choices

Subject Information


For anyone travelling from Dunstable or Milton Keynes, please find some information on bus services that are available:

Marshall's service to Cedars Upper and Linslade Middle schools (from Dunstable)

F70 and F77 Arriva service (from Dunstable or Milton Keynes directions)


Entrance Requirements

 Entry Requirements

Successful Applications

After applications are received, students will be invited to interview with a member of the Sixth Form or Leadership Team. References may also be requested from the external applicants’ current school. From here, letters will be sent to students, offering conditional places, or advising that we cannot offer a place. Any student who is not offered admission into the Sixth Form will be informed in writing of the reasons.  Students will be offered the right of appeal to the Head Teacher if the need arises.

On results day, students will be offered places on the following conditions:


Choosing Subjects

It is important that students carefully consider your subject choices before joining us. Students are encouraged to consider the following, when making their decisions

If you have a particular university course in mind it may be worth using the UCAS website to check course entry requirements.

The Russell Group of Universities have published a guide to helping you choose Post-16 courses called Informed Choices.